Hi, I'm Dylan

A newly graduated web and social platforms student at the University of Central Florida. I'm still fresh into the industry so I am day to day still learning a lot.

My dream career goal is to be able to work in sports, whether it be a specific team or a sports league as a whole. I ultimately want to work towards the goal of working in sports.

Here is a glimpse into some of my most recent work including course projects, passion projects, and much more.

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Picture of Dylan Krueger in graduation cap and gown at University of Central Florida.

My Projects

User interface of Green Tee golfing scorecard application mobile prototype.

Green Tee

Green Tee was an academic project done in collaboration with another student. This is a mobile application created to offer users a new take on a way to track golf scores in a round of golf. We designed it with the unique aspect of allowing tracking for traditional and miniature golf.

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User interface screens of UCF Downtown Mobile application prototype.

UCF Downtown Mobile

This was a group academic project for the first portion of a capstone course. The group was tasked with picking a site or application and doing a redesign or update to it. Our group chose to rework the UCF Mobile application with a focus on the Downtown campus.

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What areas of work am I most interested in working in?


  • I really enjoy the aspect of creating design elements whether it be using adobe suites to create graphics or helping design a web page.
  • Have experience in using HTML and CSS to design web pages.
  • Experience in using Adobe Suites such as Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign

Social Media

  • I have always been interested in working on the social media sides of things for sports team, sports league or a organization in general.
  • While I don't have experience operating an organization's social media accounts yet, I feel well versed in the social sphere to bring a unique outlook to further appeal to users via social media.

Reach Out!

If you're interested in working together feel free to reach out to me. I am currently looking for work and open to meeting new people to see if we can create something special!

Contact me here if your interested in working together!