UCF Downtown Mobile Application

Project overview

This course project was a randomly assigned group of 6 and we were tasked to choose a website or application we believed that needed a revamp. Our group ultimately decided on reworking the UCF Mobile Application with a Downtown campus focus specifically in mind because our program is based out of the downtown campus.

Visit Prototype

My Role in the Project

My role in this specific project was a co-designer. UCF provides a set style guideline for university related platforms. This meant I needed to really examine the guidelines and collaborate with the other designer and the rest of the team to establish the correct design approach with what we were required to use from the guidelines.

The design idea for the project was to simplify and modernize the schools application for a more streamlined, easy to look at and accessible interface for students to quickly find information about the downtown campus while adhering to UCF’s set style guidelines.

The information to the right is a little look into the style guide me and our other designer created detailing how we implemented our stylistic choice into our redesign of the application.

Accessible Thinking

When thinking of ways we can implement modern design practices into the application, we really wanted to make sure the application had multiple accessibility options. UCF is a very diverse college with multiple different languages being spoken. Adding a language preference and changing the applications entire language based on user selection was a big improvement to help accommodate as many people as possible.

More accessibility improvements we included are the ability to select between three different text sizes that will affect the size of the text throughout the entire application. We also added a dark mode option to darken the entire interface to help with eye strain that may be caused for some users while on the light mode setting.

UCF Downtown login screen.

UCF Downtown academics screen.

UCF Downtown home screen.

UCF Downtown setting screen.

Live Application Concept

We designed the application to be more simplified and streamlined the application to be quick to use for the users of downtown campus. We focused specifically on UCF Downtown because the current UCF Mobile application did not offer a tailored experience for the downtown campus students. We designed the applications to have features such as traffic notifications, detailed schedules with travel times and rooms, and access to myUCF features like grades all directly in the app to provide users with access all in one spot.

Reach Out!

If you're interested in working together feel free to reach out to me. I am currently looking for work and open to meeting new people to see if we can create something special!

Contact me here if your interested in working together!